The tree by my window

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Something Crappy……and something nice

One of those crappy things in life…………….MICAVAANI didn’t launch on schedule.
It was to be launched on the 15th of August, but there seems to be some technical fault.

So much for all the sentimental research on Bhagat Singh , Bismil and what not . The only bright spot is that all this programming for Independence day will now be used for the Republic Day, so we’ll have it easier then.

…………………and one of those unexpectedly nice things… team won the ‘Know India Quiz’ conducted on 15th August. Sure made me feel a whole lot better!(refer to 14th August post). The quiz was tough and the question cryptic, which gave me an even bigger high……..part of me is still reveling in that success!

The Top Dog

Found Roxy lounging near the TT table today. Petted him for a while since he looked at me with these huge lonely eyes. I tell you , this Dog has it made. Roxy , BTW is the pet dog of the Director of the institute, and treated more deferentially than most of the professors on campus. He stays in AC rooms for the most part, often sleeps in the girl’s
Hostel( a privilege denied to most of the boys on campus!), and has more girls fawning over him than any of the guys here would have over their entire lifespan.

Roxy’s a six year old German Shepherd , with an interesting history. Campus lore has it that Roxy originally belonged to the previous director, who abandoned him here when he moved away after his tenure as director ended. And the present director, chancing upon him on one of his walks(everyone takes really long walks here, it seems to be the common favorite pastime), adopted him. The Director (hereafter referred to as PAT)
once told us that he considered Roxy a reincarnation of a dog he had had in his childhood.

Even more interesting is Roxy’s behavior. Once some of the students(our immediate seniors) were frantically searching for PAT. Roxy came ambling up from somewhere and someone said in frustration “c’mon Roxy, take us to PAT”. Roxy took off like a missile, and the students, sensing something followed him . He led them right up to PAT. What he had understood, and how, remains a mystery.
Of course he’s completely devoted to PAT. He stays in PAT’s house as long as PAT’s on campus. The moment PAT goes away, Kachnar becomes Roxy’s home. He returns to PAT’s house the day PAT is scheduled to get back. This happens with unfailing regularity, and how Roxy knows precisely which day PAT is going to come back , is an equally big mystery.

Cheers to you Roxy , may you sleep near the TT table for many more years to come.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Independence Day Spl

Was reading up on Ramprasad Bismil in preparation for the recording. Its the first time that I'm reading up in detail on knowledge of freedom fighters stops at Bhagat Singh. Pretty sad actually if you think of it. These guys gave up their lives so that we could live in peace, and have the freedom to do what we wanted ( that would include expressing these views on this blog ).......and we screw up our noses at the history books and proceed to forget everything about the freedom struggle the moment we get to drop history as a subject.

Then , as we grow up, being walking talking encyclopedias on such deep subjects as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Quentin Tarantino or the latest in thing seems cool, all things Indian become downmarket . I don't say that we ought to shun all things west of the Arabian Sea, and have a modern Swadeshi movement. But ........spare a thought for your own country, its history, its culture ............It'll probably do you good to be proud of your country for a change.

I know, the same applies to me, and I hereby solemnly swear that I shall try to increase my awareness levels regarding India's history and culture.

Jai Hind

.........The joys(?) of having nothing to do

Another day with no work........................technically, I do have work, have to record a piece on Ram Prasad Bismil for MICAVAANI ( background details........I'm a first year student at MICA, and if you're wondering what MICA is , you're not fit to be reading this)

MICAVAANI is MICA's very own radio channel (90.4 FM). MICA has its own radio station, run by the students -- before you get the wrong ideas......this is not your regular radio station.....its a COMMUNITY radio station, so we aren't allowed to air any copyright stuff ( songs!)
We do all the content ourselves , and if we want to have songs......well.......we sing them ourselves!! The audience is rural, so it works pretty well - actually most of the content consists of interviews with the rural folk(saves us a lot of headbanging, trying to think up stuff!!)

Anyway, drove the production people mad yesterday - first by giggling intermittently throughout my piece on Bhagat Singh , and then by (apparently) having breathed so loud throughout the recording that it took them an hour to edit out my breathing noises from a 3 min program!!
Kinda pity them actually.....:):)

Sunday, August 13, 2006


After years of hearing about blogs , and intermittently wondering whether to start one of my own...........I finally take the plunge..........................

And having taken the plunge, I wonder what to write about! (interesting beginning, huh!)

So.....plagiarising the style of one of my friends who's an avid blogger(and reading whose posts finally spurred me into taking the plunge).........

Useless Facts -

1. The tree outside my window is a Neem tree.

2. I spent the entire morning cleaning out my room.

3. I had the room swept after 3 days of missing the Bai who does it........she does it only at a particular time(after lunch)

4. After nearly two months, I'm still not sure of the meaning of Kachnar